SLSC 2024 – Chapter 7

Hello everyone, and welcome back to your weekly dose of SLSC news. A short week last week didn’t seem to warrant a newsletter. You guys know the drill by now – movie, dance, pizza lunch. But, so much has happened since our last publication of SLSC news!

Our most pressing update is that we unfortunately had to say goodbye to one of our CANSail 2 instructors Sam Breyfogle. Thank you for all your hard work Sam – we miss you!


Our annual CIVIC weekend regatta was a huge success. Thank you so much to all the parents, sailors, volunteers, and of course our amazing instructor team for making everything run so smoothly. In case you missed it, the Richard Roberts domination of the laser fleet continues. A special shout out to two of our backshed sailors who came in 2nd place! All in all it was a massive success, and so much fun to watch.


Join us tomorrow night at the club for movie night! Come down to SLSC at 6:30pm tomorrow night and watch a movie with us. It costs $2, and candy will be sold. If you’re 13 or over, there is a second ~scary~ movie from 9-11pm. See you there!


This Wednesday is the Wednesday of Champions. The clash of the titans. The best of the best. This Wednesday is Sports Day!!!! In honor of the Olympics, we will be hosting our very own sporting event. Come dressed as your favourite athlete, and compete for a chance to win the infamous candy cauldron. Wednesday is also Pizza Lunch! Each sailor will be provided with pizza lunch. Pickup will be at 1pm.


It’s a hoedown throwdown at SLSC this weekend! Join us from 7-9pm on Friday night for the Country Dance! Come dressed in your best cowboy hats, boots, and denim for a night of dancing! The best dressed cowboy/girl/person will win a prize! Can’t wait to see you all there 🙂


Our 420 Race Team is headed to Cottage Clubs Regatta this week! It’s an awesome regatta including all the cottage clubs in the area, and arguably one of the most fun regattas of the season. Our sailors will head to LOB in hopes of keeping our winning streak alive! Wish them all luck!


Last weekend, we attempted to host Sunday Afts, but it seems everyone had had enough of us after CIVIC and there were no races held 🙁 This Sunday will be your last chance to dethrone Nolan and Nick. By the way, the Sunday Afts trophy is easily the biggest one we give out. Come sail with us! This Sunday, first gun at 1:30pm. Hope to see you all there!!

The summer is absolutely flying by, and it’s hard to believe that we only have a 2 more weeks of our sailing program. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and we’re determined to make these last two weeks the most fun ever!!!

Thanks for reading!

Sinclair Lavallee – Head Instructor

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