SLSC 2024 – Chapter 5

If you can believe it, it is Week 5 of Sailing Club! July has flown by, and we are now trying to hold on to summer for as long as possible. There are lots of exciting things happening in the next couple of weeks, so follow along for everything you need to know 🙂


The SLSC Non-Gala Gala was a smashing success! Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us for a night of fun. Our fundraising efforts were extremely successful – thank you to everyone who donated, and congratulations to all of our winners. Stay tuned for the new boat name!


You know the drill by now, Tuesday is movie night! Come to the club at 6:30pm on Tuesday and join us for a movie. It costs $2 to get in, but bring extra change for candy! See you all there 🙂


This Wednesday is July 31st, so how fitting is it that our Fun Day is Halloween themed! Weather permitting, sailors will play Halloween games, and trick or treat. They may even be spooked. Come in your best Halloween costume to help us celebrate a much hotter version of a spooky day. Wednesday is also Pizza Lunch! Pizza will be provided for lunch on Wednesday, and pick-up will be at 1pm to account for that. Halloween is many of our instructors favourite Fun Day, so it’s going to be a good one!


It’s the best night of the year, when SLSC goes retro for the Disco Dance! Throw it back to the 70s with us, and come down to the club on Friday night to get your groove on. The dance is from 7-9pm and costs $2. The best costume wins a prize, and we’re hoping to see some awesome bell bottoms and big hair. We can’t wait!


On Saturday August 3rd, SLSC will host our annual Civic Regatta! The details are as follows:

Registration – 9:00am @ SLSC

Skipper’s meeting – 10:00am

First gun – 11:00am

We will be having the 420, Laser, Feva and Handicap fleets on the big course around the point and the Pico and Opti fleets on a little course closer to the sailing club. Boats are provided on a first-come-first-serve basis, as we do have limited supplies!

Food – Snacks, granola bars, and water will be provided to sailors on water. Please bring a lunch in a LABELED water-proof bag so we can deliver it to you on the water!

Prize Giving – 7:00pm @ SLSC **Please bring back trophies if you won last year**

The Notice of Race will also be posted in the next couple of days. Rumour has it instructor alumni Rowan and Parker will be attempting to take on the 420 fleet. Now’s your chance to beat them!

As always, if there are any questions or concerns, feel free to give the club a call or email us ([email protected]) and we are happy to help. Thank you for an amazing summer so far, we can’t wait for August!

Thanks for Reading!

Sinclair Lavallee – Head Instructor

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