Volume 4
It’s so hard to believe that we’re already halfway through another SLSC summer! It is bittersweet to already be this far into the summer as, we are having so much fun… but it also means that summer is already half over 🙁 Our sailors and instructors alie have been putting in lots of hard work, as well as having lots of fun.
Tuesday movie night! It’s movie night tonight at the club. Join us for a screening of a super surprise movie in the new building. The movie starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:30. Costs a dollar. Candy will be sold. Bring a reusable cup for juice! Be there or be square. As always there’s a second movie for our over 13 crowd.
Wednesday Fun Day! This Wednesday we will be heading to Verulam Park for a fun day of sailing, sunshine and laughs! As we also have to sail back from Verulam, pickup will be around 2pm. We will be having our weekly pizza lunch at Verulam Park (Thank you Chloe and Lisa!). Please send your sailors with lots of water, snacks, sunscreen and a towel! We’re super excited for our first trip to Verulam of the summer, and it is sure to be a good time as always 🙂
Friday Night Dance Night! The theme of this week’s dance is still TBD… but we promise to update the calendar, which can be found on the SLSC website. Our backshedders are taking some extra time brainstorming this week to curate the perfect dance theme. As always, $2 entry fee. Starts at 7pm ends at 9pm!
Sunday Afts! We have another Sunday Afternoon lined up for racing this weekend. Come one come all! Sunday Afts is a great opportunity to come down to the club and use some of our facilities (for free!!!!). Kids, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, even pets are welcome to come out on Sunday for an afternoon of friendly racing. Also, the Sunday Afts trophy is the biggest one awarded at Prize Giving. Come at 1 pm to rig your boats, with races starting at 1:30pm! Hope to see everyone there!!
Instructor dinners!!!! The instructors would love the opportunity to get to know our SLSC families by inviting ourselves into your homes for dinner… well technically we do get invited by you, it was our idea. Follow this link to fill out the form if you and your family are interested in hosting the instructors! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1x6SsMCEprtl0_N0XaeBwdulLtfVhnZKlcd2DXJtDN10/edit
Some housekeeping: please remember to bring a (nut free) snack, water, towel, and sunscreen to club. If you’re driving, please drive EXTREMELY SLOW as we have many bikers coming in and out of the club. If you’re biking, please wear a helmet and be careful coming to the end of the driveway, as it is a little unkempt. As always please feel free to give us a call, email, or pay us a visit of you have any questions or concerns.
Thanks for reading!
Sinclair Lavallee (CANSail 1 and Assistant Head Instructor)